Did you know that there is currently a proposal before the Town of Geddes Planning Board to build a 24-home development in the area between the end of Ludden Parkway and Terry Road?
Thanks for all who showed up to the Town of Geddes Planning Board meeting on March 27, 2024! Even in-silence, we are showing the Planning Board that we do not want this development in our neighborhood! Stay tuned for some updates that I will post shortly from the meeting!
NOTE: The Tullio Heights Subdivision proposal IS on the March 27, 2024 Planning Board meeting agenda. Please SHOW UP to this meeting to send a signal to the Town of Geddes Planning Board that we want to STOP the Tullio Heights Subdivison!
And don’t forget to email the Town of Geddes board members, which you can find below. You can now read the minutes from the October 25, 2023 Planning Board meeting where this subdivision was previously discussed.
Save the Date to STOP the Tullio Heights Subdivision
March 27, 2024
Town of Geddes Planning Board Meeting
Town Hall Court Room
1000 Woods Road
Solvay, NY 13209
A BIG THANK YOU to the neighbor who mailed out not only a reminder of what to do, but with actual photos of what will happen if this development is approved.
Check your mail, or check out the flyer here, and take control of your neighborhood! Also, as stated in the flyer, EMAIL ALL BOARD MEMBERS and share your concerns. In fact, here are the Town of Geddes board members:
- Susan LaFex, Town Supervisor – slafex@townofgeddes.com
- Martin Kelley, Deputy Supervisor – mkelley@townofgeddes.com
- Marcia Ferguson, Councilor – mferguson@townofgeddes.com
- Chris Maroney, Councilor – cmaroney@townofgeddes.com
- Ed Weber, Councilor – edweber1@verizon.net
- Jonathan Lorber, Councilor – jlorber@townofgeddes.com
- Alanna Zimmer-Redmond, Councilor
The next Planning Board Meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 27, 2024. Please show up to this meeting to let the Town of Geddes Planning Board know that we want to STOP the Tullio Heights Subdivision!
The important thing is to show up, to be a face for your neighborhood and help stop a development no one who actually lives in the neighborhood wants in any way, shape or form! Although we cannot voice our concerns in the Planning Board Meeting, they can certainly feel our concerns by our presence there! The Planning Board DOES have the power to NOT recommend that this development go before the Town Board. This, after all, is the third or fourth time a developer has tried to develop this land. And, in the words of the town engineer in the May meeting, “this is why this land has never been developed.” The Planning Board just has to stop asking themselves “CAN this plan happen” – in terms of the engineering issues – and ask themselves “SHOULD this plan happen” – in terms the environmental, quality of life issues, and the fact that no one in who lives in the actual neighborhood wants to see this development happen. The environmental impact that we all feel even on a normal rainy day – much less a 100-year or 250-year storm – along with the many, many other issues this development poses to our peaceful neighborhood, says “it SHOULDN’T.”
The Tullio Heights Subdivision is currently being proposed as a 24-home development, built in either three stages, with a road connecting Terry Road to Ludden Parkway.
Read the minutes from the May 31, 2023 Town of Geddes Planning Board meeting and the original proposal before the Onondaga County Planning Board.
Why should you be concerned? Why should you show up to the next Town of Geddes Planning Board meeting on March 27, 2024 and let the board know that you want to STOP the Tullio Heights Subdivision?
Rumbling Trucks
The plans said that there would need to be massive cuts of earth removed from the site. What does this mean for our neighborhood? Heavy trucks idling in front of your house and rumbling down our streets all day long! Do you like the peace the neighborhood offers and the fresh air we breathe? Truckload after truckload of materials being removed for weeks, months, and years by heavy machinery will certainly put a stop to that!
Drainage Issues
Neighbors who live on Ludden Parkway, Helmi, Heywood, and Cherry know what happens when it rains: drainage issues and flooding. Removing huge swathes of earth and trees from the development certainly won’t help! This development will be a huge environmental disaster waiting to happen as they clearcut the development and cut the land. As one board member said at the May 2023 meeting, “this is why this land has never been developed.”
The Connecting Road
Know what happens when a road connecting Ludden Parkway and Terry is built? Traffic speeding through the neighborhood at all hours, increased crime, and a breakdown in why many neighbors bought homes in the area. We like the safety offered by the current road structure, the neighborhood feel it gives, and the security knowing that anyone driving through the neighborhood is a neighbor, not someone speeding through to avoid the Taunton lights.
Construction Noise
Going back to that peace and quiet the neighborhood offers – and a major reason why homeowners purchased their homes – are you ready to listen to homes being built, day after day for years on-end? You don’t have to look much further than the small development that sprung up on Terry Road near the Geddes DPW to know how long it has taken to just build a few houses. Now, imagine 24 homes being built over many, many years… maybe over 10+ years!
There are certainly more issues that come with this development; just read the May minutes to hear a few! 10-foot retaining walls! A slope so steep that the town engineer doesn’t see how they can actually make a few lots buildable! A curve in the connecting road that the developer’s engineer admits doesn’t conform to code but is “good enough.” Sewers overflowing due to issues already present with the Bronson Road trunk sewer! A town planning board that DESPERATELY wants the road connecting Ludden Parkway and Terry Road, with one board member moving to require Phase 1 & 2 be done at the same time (a motion that was dismissed after the board conversed). A developer who will only sell the lots, do no actual home building and instead leave that up to the homeowner who can then build whatever type of house they would like. A project that would be developed in four phases – the first two, consisting of nine homes would probably be started as soon as the development plan is approved – but, because of the leased cell phone tower on top of the hill, the fourth phase wouldn’t be able to be started until AT LEAST 2032, meaning the neighborhood could be looking at a development that interrupts our lives for over 10 years! DON’T let the town Planning Board dictate our neighborhood, putting our homes at risk of an environmental disaster for a development that should have never even reached the current phase!
Not at one time has the board asked what the Ludden Parkway and surrounding neighborhood has WANTED. I’m sure if they did, there would be a resounding call to STOP the Tullio Heights Subdivision. But a big issue is that other than me, no one showed up to the last board meeting in May! So I am asking you to be active in the best interests of your home, your neighbors, and your neighborhood at the March 27, 2024 Town of Geddes Planning Board meeting by showing up and showing the board that we do not want this development built in our neighborhood! Show up, or else you can’t complain when the trucks start rumbling past your home every day!
Stay informed and drop us an email below!
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STOP the Tullio Heights Subdivision is a fluid movement right now. Send us an email to stay up-to-date with meetings and other news!